How do You Clean a Badly Pet Stained Carpet 

We obviously know that pet urine on different surfaces of the house is very unpleasant. The smell is overwhelming, and its persistence in the air could be embarrassing, especially if you receive unexpected visits, as well as allergenic. If you have a chronic breathing...

Moved into a New House and Need to Remove Pet Odor

Pet owners know very well that in addition to the wonderful time spent with their furry friends, there come certain responsibilities; cleaning up after them is one of the most important. Pet stains represent an inconvenience that occurs quite often; the “accidents”...

Pro-Tips on How to Tackle The Nastiest of Pet Stains

We adore our pets, but all pet owners agree that pet stains are among the nastiest kinds of stain in any household, stains that can ruin valuable carpets, furniture, even flooring. Fortunately, there are several great ways to remove even the most stubborn, stinkiest...