Pro-Tips on How to Tackle The Nastiest of Pet Stains

We adore our pets, but all pet owners agree that pet stains are among the nastiest kinds of stain in any household, stains that can ruin valuable carpets, furniture, even flooring. Fortunately, there are several great ways to remove even the most stubborn, stinkiest pet stain – here are some pro tips from the experts […]

Written By HW HW

On October 7, 2020

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Pro-Tips on How to Tackle The Nastiest of Pet Stains

We adore our pets, but all pet owners agree that pet stains are among the nastiest kinds of stain in any household, stains that can ruin valuable carpets, furniture, even flooring. Fortunately, there are several great ways to remove even the most stubborn, stinkiest pet stain – here are some pro tips from the experts at Planet Urine –

  • Stains on carpets and upholstery – one of the simplest and most efficient solutions is to use baking soda and vinegar. Rub some vinegar into the stain, then pour a generous amount of baking soda on top and leave it on for about a day. You can also use an enzyme-based cleaning liquid – the enzymes will break down the proteins that cause the smell and will remove the stain completely;
  • Stains on hardwood flooring – harsh chemicals can ruin the finish on your floor and discolor the floorboards, so the recommended solution is to get a commercial stain remover designed to work gently and efficiently on floors;
  • Stains on laminate flooring – laminate does not absorb the substances that it comes into contact with, therefore this type of flooring is the easiest to clean. All you need to do is to grab a damp cloth and wipe up the stain, preferably within the first half an hour after the mishap.