House Training Dogs

The truth is that there really is no ‘trick’ per se to house training a dog. Dogs inherently want to please and be our ‘buddies’ and if you are consistent in your training, they will generally respond with consistently good behavior. With puppies the biggest...

Fear Of Thunderstorms and Fireworks

Sorry about the problem that your having with your dog and their fear of loud noises  The fear of loud noises, especially thunderstorms and fireworks, with dogs is pretty common.  Have you heard that you can deaden the noise by using mineral oil in the ears of a dog,...

Dog Urine

Dog urine, while generally not considered as pervasive as cat urine, can still be a huge problem for dog owners. Dealing with housebreaking a puppy is hard enough, but if you ever had to deal with a full-grown dog who insists on urinating indoors, then you know well...

Dog Pee

If you have any experience with dogs at all, then chances are you have had to clean up your fair share of dog pee. Simply put, accidents happen, and while they may be our best friends, dogs are just prone to urinating indoors at least sometime in their lives. There is...

Dog Housebreaking

For puppy owners and those who are planning on making a puppy addition to their family, learning how to properly housebreak a puppy is of vital importance. Fortunately, if you are patient and above all consistent, housebreaking your puppy or dog should not be too...