Find the Appropriate Brand of Puppy Diapers for Your Fur Baby

Aging pets and pups often have to be given a diaper to prevent accidents from happening, before you house train them. Of course, not all diapers are all that great, and you might find that your dog doesn’t enjoy some brands. They might try to bite or claw off the...

3 Helpful Solutions to Stop Your Dog from Peeing in the House

It’s great to have your dog stay indoors and keep you company, and it can be good for your pet’s health to do so as well. However, to make sure your dog doesn’t pee inside the house, it’s a good idea to take a few measures for appropriate training. Fortunately, dogs...

Your Dog Peeing on the Carpet May Indicate an Aging Pet

If your dog has been healthy for years and hasn’t had any issues with losing bladder control, then if they suddenly begin to pee on the carpet, that might be a sign that there’s something wrong. Even though it’s not always clear that aging is the main issue, it...

Why Do Some Cats Get in the Habit of Peeing on Hardwood Floors?

A common and poorly addressed issue with pet urine is that some pets tend to pee on hardwood floors and other hard surfaces. This issue is especially prevalent with cats, and has sometimes lead exasperated homeowners to turn their indoor cats into outdoor cats, which...