Why Do Some Cats Get in the Habit of Peeing on Hardwood Floors?

A common and poorly addressed issue with pet urine is that some pets tend to pee on hardwood floors and other hard surfaces. This issue is especially prevalent with cats, and has sometimes lead exasperated homeowners to turn their indoor cats into outdoor cats, which is definitely not something preferable when you live in a […]

Written By HW HW

On December 16, 2020

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A common and poorly addressed issue with pet urine is that some pets tend to pee on hardwood floors and other hard surfaces. This issue is especially prevalent with cats, and has sometimes lead exasperated homeowners to turn their indoor cats into outdoor cats, which is definitely not something preferable when you live in a colder climate.

Why Do Some Cats Get in the Habit of Peeing on Hardwood Floors?

If your cat starts peeing on hardwood floors, you have to ask yourself a few important question as you investigate:

  • Where is the litter box located? Is there anything around it that your cat might dislike and that would make her avoid using the litter box?
  • Have you removed the pet odor from the spot using an enzyme cleaner? If not, your cat will keep smelling the spot as his or her “territory” and keep using it.
  • Did you take your cat to the vet? Some behavioral patterns can be associated with disorders that a good vet can identify.
  • How old is your cat? Kittens and older cats tend to have difficulty reaching the litter box in time, so you might have to take measures such as training them or having them use cat diapers.
  • Is the litter box regularly cleaned, and is the litter you buy a good choice for your cat? Some cats might feel irritated when using their litter box and start seeking other areas if the problem isn’t solved.