Smells-No More™ Odor Eliminator will permanently get rid of the urine odors in your home or business by completely eliminating urine odor caused by dog urine, cat urine, human urine. Great for your carpets, floors, couches, walls, bedding and more.
Smells No More™ Odor Eliminator is not a mask, but an odor eliminator. Smells No-More™ Odor Eliminator is nontoxic, nonstaining, and its uses are endless, including; laundry additive, removing litter box odors, smelly shoes, etc.
Smells No-More™ Odor Eliminator is a must for the elimination of ANY and ALL Urine and other odors!
- As is the case with all of Planet Urine products, no harmful or harsh chemicals are used in this product.
Important Pet Housetraining Tip: If you are cleaning Carpet, Hardwood, Tile & Grout, Uphostery, etc, do not use this until AFTER you have used Planet Urine’s UrineOut™ Powder to REMOVE the urine and stains. Learn more about UrineOut™ Powder.
After you’ve cleaned the areas and removed the urine, use the Smells No-More™ Odor Eliminator to remove lingering “scents” to help keep your pet/s from re-soiling in the areas you’ve cleaned. This is very helpful to completely house train your pet/s. Does that make sense?
- Included in the following systems:
Ultimate I Cleaning System
Ultimate II Cleaning System w/FREE Blacklight
The Godzilla Buster w/FREE Blacklight
Small Hard Surface Cleaning Kit I
Small Hard Surface Cleaning Kit II
Large Hard Surface Cleaning Kit I w/Free Blacklight
Large Hard Surface Cleaning Kit II w/Free Blacklight
“I use it on the cat box to remove urine odor off of the inside of the box. Your product totally eliminates any odor. Thank you so much.” – Cynthia
“We cleaned the carpet and used the Smells No More spray, and we were amazed, the smell is gone.” – Sue, Hundmeister Reg’d Dobermans
Smells No-More™ Odor Eliminator
Eliminates dog urine, and cat urine scent so your pet will not re-urinate in same area after cleaning! Smells No-More™ Odor Eliminator is the first and only non-scented, stockyard strength deodorizing spray safe enough for everyday use in house training pets, cleaning litter box odors, cleaning urine soiled fabrics, etc. - Learn More
"I use it on the cat box to remove urine odor off of the inside of the box. Your product totally eliminates any odor. Thank you so much." - Cynthia



Small Hard Surface Cleaning System II
The Small Hard Surface Cleaning System II is designed for the removal of BOTH stains &/or odors. It removes dog urine, cat urine & human urine in hard surfaces such as hardwood floors, tile, grout, concrete, etc. Remove pet stains for good! Learn More
Small Hard Surface Cleaning System II
The Small Hard Surface Cleaning System II is designed for the removal of BOTH stains &/or odors. It removes dog urine, cat urine & human urine in hard surfaces such as hardwood floors, tile, grout, concrete, etc. Remove pet stains for good! Learn More
Small Hard Surface Cleaning System II
The Small Hard Surface Cleaning System II is designed for the removal of BOTH stains &/or odors. It removes dog urine, cat urine & human urine in hard surfaces such as hardwood floors, tile, grout, concrete, etc. Remove pet stains for good! Learn More
Large hard Surface Cleaning System II
Godzilla Sized to clean Large Areas, up to 500 sq. ft. The Large Hard Surface Cleaning System II is designed for the removal of BOTH stains &/or odors. It removes dog urine, cat urine & human urine in hard surfaces such as hardwood floors, tile, grout, concrete, etc. Learn More
Urine Odor Detector Blacklight
Planet Urine's Urine Odor Detector Blacklight helps you locate INVISIBLE sources of urine odors in carpets, hardwood floors, tile, upholstery and other surfaces when no stains are visible.
Learn More