Can Your Dog’s Urine Really Be Harmful for Humans?

The presence of dog urine often becomes a lingering threat as soon as you get your first pet. Dogs need to be taken outside to pee, and it’s not uncommon for puppies or older dogs to lose control while still inside the house. However, aside from dog urine stains being unsightly and smelling bad, they […]

Written By HW HW

On December 13, 2020

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The presence of dog urine often becomes a lingering threat as soon as you get your first pet. Dogs need to be taken outside to pee, and it’s not uncommon for puppies or older dogs to lose control while still inside the house. However, aside from dog urine stains being unsightly and smelling bad, they can also be quite hazardous to humans.

Can Your Dog’s Urine Really Be Harmful for Humans?

One of the dangers of dog urine is the presence of ammonia. Ammonia is a substance that can easily cause respiratory problems, even if inhaled in smaller quantities. In larger quantities, it can cause your airways and lungs to feel like they’re burning, and it can also become the source of some serious respiratory diseases. These may include bronchitis, pneumonia and even nasopharyngeal cancer or alveolar edema.

Another hazard associated with pet urine, and dog urine specifically, is Leptospirosis – a pretty common, but also quite dangerous bacterial disease that is commonly contracted and passed on by rats and dogs, as well as many species of wild animals. If humans are exposed to the bacteria, they may experience flu like symptoms for a while, but severe cases can also lead to live and kidney disease.

It is recommended that you remove dog urine as soon as possible from your home, preferably using protection gloves and a potent enzyme based cleaning agent. Another idea for dogs that are prone to urinating indoors, is to start using dog diapers on them. Children are especially sensitive to the aforementioned stressors, so make sure you pay extra care if you’re a parent. Dog diapers can be changed and discarded without the mess of cleanup.