Smelling New Pet Stains Since You’ve Started Working from Home?  How to fix it – NOW!

No matter how much you love animals, the smell of a pet in the house is not always discreet. Whether you have a dog, a cat, a rabbit or a guinea pig, if you feel a smell that suggests the presence of a pet when you enter the house, you will not like it. Moreover, […]

Written By HW HW

On August 29, 2020

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No matter how much you love animals, the smell of a pet in the house is not always discreet. Whether you have a dog, a cat, a rabbit or a guinea pig, if you feel a smell that suggests the presence of a pet when you enter the house, you will not like it. Moreover, if you started working from home, the smell will bother you even more. Here is how you can fight it fast and efficiently!

Use baking soda

Baking soda absorbs odors, so it should not miss from your house, if you have one or more pets. You can always keep a bowl of baking soda on a shelf, some place your animal friends cannot reach. Change the baking soda in the bowl once a week and the smell in your house will be fresher.

Baking soda also removes unpleasant odors from surfaces including carpets and upholstery.

Smelling New Pet Stains Since You’ve Started Working from Home?  How to fix it – NOW!

Odors and stains on hardwood floors

Use Planet Urine product Urineout Powder to remove dog urine odor from hardwood floors AND carpets!

Try an enzymatic spray

Enzymatic solutions are found in pet shops and are extremely effective, as enzymes break down the stain and consume the bacteria causing the smell. With the help of these products, the cleaning is complete and not even your pet’s fine nose will detect the place where they urinated.