Pet Smells Can Take a Bite Out of Your Home’s Resale Value

Pet odors can be very problematic when you’re trying to live in your own home, but they can be even worse if you want to sell it. Getting buyers to give you a good offer is hard enough without them smelling pet odors, but it can be even more difficult when you take them to […]

Written By HW HW

On December 5, 2020

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Pet odors can be very problematic when you’re trying to live in your own home, but they can be even worse if you want to sell it. Getting buyers to give you a good offer is hard enough without them smelling pet odors, but it can be even more difficult when you take them to the places your dog normally stays in and they feel the strong smell coming from pet hair and old carpet stains.

Resale value depends on a complex set of factors, and one of them is that your home be welcoming to every type of buyer, including those who are allergic to pet hair or who aren’t comfortable with certain odors. As a result, even before your buyers arrive to take a look at the place, a home appraiser or a real estate agent might already deem your home to be worth less than you’d hope and advise you to list it at a lower price.Pet Smells Can Take a Bite Out of Your Home’s Resale Value

Considering all these facts, it can be very important to remove cat urine from carpet as quickly as possible and ensure that your home has a pleasant odor before you organize any showings. Using pet-friendly vacuum cleaners and special enzyme-based cleaning formulas designed especially for removing old pet stains and odors can be some of the best methods to achieve that result.