remove cat urine
Remove Cat Urine
If you have had any experience with cats then you have surely had to face the age-old quandary of having to remove cat urine. Most cats are loath to urinate anywhere other than their litter box, but cats will on occasion spray. Some cats will urinate on plastic bags that are left on the ground, or they might simply urinate outside their litter box if they disapprove of a new kitty litter.
Removing cat urine, though difficult, is not impossible by any means. Here at Planet Urine we know a thing or two about removing pet urine and cat urine in particular. We certainly know well the importance of thoroughly cleaning up a cat urine spot before it becomes a full-blown persistent problem.
What is tricky about cat urine is that although it is quite noxious, it can sometimes be invisible to the naked eye. Pinpointing the urine stain is absolutely vital to making sure that you remove the urine stain completely. To that end, we recommend our customers use a black light. Black light causes cat urine to show up as a greenish yellow spot, thus making it easier to pinpoint and ultimately remove.
In terms of actually removing the cat urine stain, we recommend the same product that our team of experts uses on house cleanup projects. It is called UrineOut Powder, and unlike many pet urine removers it is a dry powder. The powder soaks up the urine crystals so that they can easily and quickly be removed from the surface. Dealing with cat urine can be extremely frustrating, and if you have any need for help or guidance, please feel free to call our toll free 24 hour hotline at 888-286-6367.

We invite you to ask our Dog Behaviorist or Cat Behaviorist any question that you have about: train kitten to use litter box, cat litter box problems, potty training dogs, housebreaking older dogs, stop dog urinating in house, potty train dogs, housebreaking older dogs, stop male dog marking, etc. You will receive personal attention with suggestions and tips for FREE, so please, don’t be shy and ask away! NOTE: We do not sell or give away your email address or any information to anybody except our Dog Behaviorist or Cat Behaviorist.
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