Hardwood Floor Maintenance Tips – Essential Details You Need to Know About

Hardwood floors can be quite durable, but their fragility often shows when they are neglected. Good maintenance is the key for maintaining and even increasing the projected lifespan of your hardwood floors. And it’s usually best to start early with preventive practices that might not seem like much, but can help you deal with a […]

Written By HW HW

On May 16, 2020

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Hardwood Floor Maintenance Tips – Essential Details You Need to Know About

Hardwood floors can be quite durable, but their fragility often shows when they are neglected. Good maintenance is the key for maintaining and even increasing the projected lifespan of your hardwood floors. And it’s usually best to start early with preventive practices that might not seem like much, but can help you deal with a lot of problems before they even arise:

  • Start by placing mats on the interior and exterior of your front door. That way, anyone dragging mud inside can use the second mat to get it off before stepping on your hardwood floors.
  • Set up an area where people can comfortably take off their shoes when they visit you. When you have that, you eliminate a lot of the dirt and water that visitors would bring into your home.
  • Avoid using excessive water and abrasive fabrics when cleaning your hardwood floors. Also, a very important tip is to avoid vacuuming your hardwood floors at all costs. Even the gentlest vacuum cleaners can leave marks that will be hard if not impossible to remove. Use recommended cleaning products from Planet Urine for removing pet urine stains from hardwood floors.
  • Finally, it’s good practice to wax your hardwood floors on occasion. While the ideal time frame can differ in the case of different types of wood, most experts agree that you should wax your floors no more frequently than 6 months and no less frequently than 3 years.